Although, technically it isn't winter yet (the official season is still more than a month away), here in Edmonton, Alberta we're used to the white stuff coming a little too early most years. I'll admit, most of my life I haven't been a winter-person (funny, seeing it hyphenated like that makes me think of blue-haired, pale-skinned creatures that run around naked in minus thirty weather... or am I the only one who sees them?). I'm always cold. I suck at snowboarding. I already dislike driving even when the roads are clean as a whistle (what is up with that saying, are whistles seriously clean—you'd think they'd be all moist and saliva-y), so you can imagine that when the roads are covered in ice, which is covered in snow, which is then covered in more ice—as they are now—I would rather just stay inside and hibernate. But this year, I've decided things are going to be different. Part of the reason for this is an article I read that suggests us Canadians need to embrace winter and states "there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing." Now that I'm dressing more appropriately—we're talking three layers minimum, even when I'm inside—this theory is proving to be [mostly] true. But the biggest reason I've decided to adopt a new attitude about the fogged-up-glasses-frozen-nose-hairs-can't-wear-flip-flops-anymore season has to do with our land.
If cattails can survive the winter, so can I.
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